Grow Your Vision

Registration Fee
Registration Fee is $10.00 per dancer from May-July 1st (Early Bird ) then it goes up to $20.00 per dancer on July 2nd. This fee is non-refundable. You can pay using our PayPal account below. You can also drop off cash or a check at the dance studio. Make checks payable to VJDS. Registration Fee must be paid at the time of submission in order to guarantee a spot in class!
Tuition Payments
Tuition is due every month. You can pay any time in the month it's due. There is a $10.00 late fee, if you do not pay in the month it's due. Classes are $35.00 a month per subject. Example: If your dancer is taking 2 classes, your total is $70.00 a month. You can pay using our PayPal account below or pay with cash or check. Payments can also be dropped off at the dance studio in our waiting area. There is a tuition dropbox that is locked for cash or check payments. Make checks payable to VJDS. Please include your dancers' name on payment and what you are paying for.